The PSA Inputs Page allows you to select the parameters that you would like to include in a probabilistic sensitivity analysis (PSA) and the sampling distributions that should be used for each.
The PSA Page is divided into three tabs: Inputs, Correlations, and Results. To access the PSA Inputs tab, click on the PSA icon in the Navigation Sidebar on the left side of your screen. Then click on the Inputs icon in the popup menu that appears to the right of the Navigation Sidebar.
The PSA Inputs Page allows you to select the parameters, and respective sampling distributions, that you would like to vary in the PSA. Distributions are defined in tabular format, with each row representing one of the parameters defined on the Parameters Page. Utilizing the checkbox column, select which parameters to include in the PSA. Columns containing ‘Name’, ‘Description’, ‘Category’, ‘Base’ (base case value) and ‘Distribution’ are included for each parameter. ‘Name’, ‘Description’, ‘Category’, and ‘Base’ may not be edited from the PSA Inputs Page directly, but can be modified from the Parameters Page. Sampling distributions should be defined using the hēRo3 built-in sampling distribution functions. You may reference the base case value of a parameter here using the keyword, bc. Other variables created on the Parameters Page may also be referenced in this formula.
Please note, you may not include time-dependent variables in PSAs (instead, we recommend that you create a separate input that can be referenced by the time-dependent variable, and that that you instead include the variable that is not time-dependent in the PSA)
TIP: Users can filter and sort (individually or in combination) on any of the column headers to organize and temporarily limit their view to items of interest. Users can also copy and paste to quickly populate distribution inputs. You may find descriptions of additional functionality available on this page, and other similarly structured pages, here.