The Base Case Results page shows base case results for a model. It can be accessed by clicking on in the Navigation Sidebar. This Base Case Results page has 6 tabs: Trace, Outcomes, Costs, NMB, Incremental CE, and Pairwise CE each corresponding to a different category of results. Each Results tab follows the same general layout, as shown below.
Results Tabs
The results tabs allow you to navigate between different types of results shown on this page.
Display Modes
The display modes buttons allow you to toggle between different ways of visualizing the selected data.
Export Button
The export button allows you to export the currently displayed table or figure.
Display Area
The display area shows the selected table or chart.
Filter Configuration
The filter configuration section allows you to determine what data will be displayed in the currently selected table or chart. The exact function of the section depends on the result tab, but generally this involves selecting which strategies or outcomes results will be displayed for.
Display Configuration
The display configuration section allows you to control various style properties (font size, color schemes, etc.), which affect how the currently selected table or chart is displayed.
User Override Values
The User Overrides section allows you to change the values of inputs to your model. Clicking the 'Manage Override Values' button will allow you to select which parameters are shown in this section. Please note that the 'Manage Override Values' button may not be visible when opening a shared model, depending on the permissions the sharer has granted you.