Value-Based Price (VBP) is one of the deterministic sensitivity analysis tabs and shows the maximum price that may be charged for a strategy if it is to be cost-effective versus the designated comparator(s). In order to run the DSA and produce VBP results, you must click the toggle in the VBP Configuration Sidebar to include VBP in DSA Results.
Value-based price is displayed in tabular format, where rows correspond to a given scenario in which the model is run for the high or low value for the specified parameter. Within each row, the value-based price is displayed for the low and high value of each scenario, as well as the base case value.
hēRo3 calculates VBPs by running a model using three arbitrary values for the specified price parameter to determine if the relationship between a strategy’s price parameter and the ICER versus each comparator is linear.
To include VBP analyses in your DSA results you must toggle the VBP Configuration to ‘Include VBP in DSA Results’ to display the VBP tab at the top of the DSA results. To change the outcomes and costs that you use to calculate VBPs, or to make any other changes to the displays, make the appropriate selections in the Configuration Sidebar by clicking ‘Configure VBP Analysis’. To rerun the DSA with different input values, use the User Override Menu functionality at the bottom of the Configuration Sidebar, and click the 'Run DSA' button.