The Model Preferences Page allows users to select a model theme, which will then set the color selection of all charts, and a model font size.
To navigate to the Model Preferences Page, click in the Navigation Sidebar on the left side of your screen.
The Model Preferences Page consists of two tabs: Chart Colors and Chart Font Size.
On the Chart Colors tab, you may set a color theme which will be reflected on charts throughout your model. Color themes may be overridden by changing individual chart color display settings on results pages. Color themes may also be reset to your selection on the Model Preferences Page, by selecting the ‘Use My Preferences’ option from the 'Color' dropdown menu in the display configuration section of individual charts.
On the Chart Font Size tab, you may set a chart font size which will be reflected on charts throughout your model. Font sizes may be overridden by changing individual chart font size display settings on results pages. Font sizes may also be reset to your selection on the Model Preferences Page, by selecting the ‘Use My Preferences’ option from the 'Font Size' dropdown menu in the display configuration section of individual charts.