You can easily share your models with other hēRo3 users in your own organization (academic users can share their models with other academic users across all academic institutions). Sharing allows other people to open and run your models; if you don’t share your models with others, by default they are accessible and visible only to you. You may share a model with individual users, or you may share a model with a group of users.
When you want to share a model with other hēRo3 users, individually or within a group, you may customize your sharing settings by allowing 'view-only' access or 'full' model access. With 'view-only' access, recipients whom you designate will be able to view your model, run analyses, and change the values only of variables to which you have explicitly given them access (by pinning them to the User Override Menu). 'Full' access means that your recipients can open your model and run analyses, change values of variables that you have pinned to the User Override Menu, make changes to most other parameters of the model, and finally save a copy of it to their own hēRo3 Workspace. Any changes made to your model by someone with whom you have shared it will not modify your own version of the model. For recipients who have been granted ‘full’ access to a model, if they save a copy to their own hēRo3 Workspace, there will be two copies of the model in their Workspace: the original version of the model can be found in the ‘Shared with Me’ section of the Workspace, and the version of the model that recipients have saved will be located in the ‘My Models’ section of their Workspace. Please note if you share a model with an individual who also belongs to a group that model is shared with, the permission settings specified for the individual user will take president over the permission settings designated for the group (ie, if you share a model with a colleague and specify ‘view-only’ privileges, they will continue to have ‘view-only’ privileges even if you grant ‘full’ access to a group of which they are a member).
Models can be shared with individual hēRo3 users by invitation or via link-based sharing, and models can be shared with groups by invitation, as described below.
Group Sharing
Group sharing in hēRo3 enables users to share their models simultaneously with multiple users belonging to the same group. When a model is shared with a group, it is shared with everyone who is a member of that group. All persons who are members of a group must be part of the same organization, and persons with guest accounts may not become members of a group.
Groups can be designated to be either public or private. Groups that are public are visible to everyone in your organization, while private groups are visible only to persons who are members of that group (and also users with hēRo3 administrative privileges).
New groups can be created by anyone with a hēRo3 user account. If you are the creator of a group, you have the ability to add or remove persons to your group. Persons with hēRo3 administrative privileges also may add or remove users from any group in their own organization.
Anyone who is added to a group will have access only to models that are shared with that group after they have joined the group; they will not have access to any models shared with the group before they joined it. If a person is removed from a group, they will no longer have access to any models shared with that group. They will, however, retain access to any shared models that they saved to their own Workspace.
When you share a model with a particular group, members of that group will receive an email notification, and the shared model will appear in the 'Shared with Me' section of the hēRo3 Workspace of all members of that group.
To create a new group in hēRo3:
- Click on located at the top right of the application toolbar from anywhere in the hēRo3 platform.
- Click on the ‘Manage Contacts’ button to navigate to the User Groups page.
- Click ‘Add User Group’, and you will be prompted to enter a group name, description, designate the group as either public or private, and select those hēRo3 users in your organization whom you want to add to the group.
- Click ‘Confirm’.
To share a model with a group in hēRo3:
- In the 'Your Models' section of the hēRo3 Workspace, under the column, click the button then click 'Share' next to the specific model that you want to share. You also can share a model when you have the model open by clicking on located in the application toolbar.
- In the pop-up window, select the ‘Groups’ tab.
- Select 'Only people I invite can view' from the dropdown menu.
- Select the name of the group with which you would like to share your model from the list of suggested hēRo3 groups.
- Indicate whether you would like to add an expiration date to terminate the sharing of your model with this group, and select ‘view-only’ or ‘full’ privileges.
- Click 'Send '.
A list of hēRo3 groups with whom you have shared a model will be shown under the ‘User Access’ section.
Sharing with Individual Users
You can share a model with individual users by invitation or with link-based sharing. When you share a model by invitation, the recipients whom you designate will receive an email notifying them of the share, and your model will appear in the 'Shared with Me' section of their hēRo3 Workspace.
To share a model by invitation:
- In the 'Your Models' section of the hēRo3 Workspace, under the column, click the button then click 'Share' next to the specific model that you want to share. You also can share a model when you have the model open by clicking on located in the application toolbar.
- To share a model with a colleague within your organization, select the ‘Colleagues’ tab in the pop-up window; to share a model with a member of the hēRo3 support staff, use the 'Invite hēRo3 Staff' tab.
- Select 'Only people I invite can view' from the hēRo3 dropdown menu.
- Begin typing the name or email address of the person with whom you would like to share your model and select the name of the recipient from the list of hēRo3 users in your organization. Repeat this process until you have shared your model with everyone with whom you would like to share it by invitation.
- Configure the desired permissions that you would like to give to each recipient (ie, ‘view-only’ or ‘full’ access), whether sharing should automatically expire at a future date, and if so, for how many days your model should be shared.
- Click ‘Send’.
A list of all hēRo3 users with whom you have shared a model will be shown in the ‘User Access’ section of the sharing pop-up.
As mentioned previously, you also can share your model with individual users via link-based sharing, which allows you to share a model with a large number of other hēRo3 users without needing to send each one an individual invitation. If you have authorized link-based sharing with one of your models, any hēRo3 user in your organization can access it by navigating to the unique URL by which it is identified, which is displayed in the address bar of your browser when your model is open. Please note that link-based sharing is always ‘view-only’.
To share a model using link-based sharing:
- In the 'Your Models' section of the hēRo3 Workspace, under the column, click the button then click 'Share' next to the specific model that you want to share. You also can share a model when you have the model open by clicking on located in the application toolbar.
- In the pop-up window, select the option 'Anyone with the link can view' under the hēRo3 dropdown menu.
- Close the pop-up window.
- Open the model you want to share and copy the URL displayed in the address bar of your browser to your clipboard.
- Provide the URL for your model to any hēRo3 user in your organization with whom you want to share it (eg, by pasting the URL into an email or chat message).
Please note that when link-based sharing is enabled, you can still invite other hēRo3 users to access your model by invitation, as described above.